Peace & Justice Center Job Opportunity: Seeking Co-Director

The Peace & Justice Center, located in Burlington, Vermont, has been in the process this past year of transitioning to a horizontal, collaborative, consent-based organizational structure. We are excited to hire a third part-time Co-director who will work with the two current Co-directors (Kason & Fenix) to lead this statewide organization. We originate our own…

The Peace and Justice Center joins the Apartheid Free Community Campaign

The Peace and Justice Center has publicly recognized Israel as an apartheid state and supported the campaign to boycott, divest from, and sanction Israel since 2019. You can read our statement here. Since October, Israel has continued to escalate its crimes against Palestinian people, and we have joined with the millions, if not billions, of…

Peace & Justice Center Board and Staff Call for Immediate and Permanent Ceasefire in Gaza

Dear Community, Since the attack by Hamas on October 7th that killed over 1200 Israelis and took more than 250 hostages, the Israeli military has killed more than 31,000 Palestinians, most of them civilians and at least a third of them children. We believe it is critically important for everyone, especially Americans, to speak out…

Peace & Justice Center

Statement in Solidarity with Families at 300 Main St. Winooski

Winooski Mutual AidSTATEMENT IN SOLIDARITY WITH FAMILIES AT 300 MAIN ST., WINOOSKI For immediate release 2.14.2022 On February 2nd, Rick Bove, owner of 300 Main Street apartment complex in Winooski, served a notice to all 24 residing families that they must vacate their homes no later than June 30th or July 1st, 2022 so that…

Indigenous Solidarity for the Wet’suwet’en Nation: a note from a comrade

Indigenous Solidarity for the Wet’suwet’en Nation: a note from a comrade

Dear Friends and Allies, My name is Clarence,  I’m reaching out to share news and ask for support from you and your community in regards to Indigenous land defenders of the Wet’suwet’en Nation, in so-called British Columbia, Canada. I am working with my comrades of the Trans Asylum Seeker Support Network of Western Mass to…