Getting Real About Antisemitism

Getting Real About Antisemitism

-Kathy Shapiro, Vermonters for Justice in Palestine An atmosphere of hate and discrimination against oppressed minorities flourishes under the current administration.  We’ve seen a 17% rise of hate crimes in 2017 according to the FBI, 59% of which were race-based, and 20.7% religion based (58.1% of these anti-Jewish).  Perhaps it’s because I am Jewish, but…

The Importance of “You Can’t be Neutral on a Moving Train”

The Importance of “You Can’t be Neutral on a Moving Train”

-Deb Ellis, Co-Producer of “Howard Zinn: You Can’t be Neutral on a Moving Train” As Vermont filmmakers, we are thrilled to share Howard Zinn: You Can’t Be Neutral on a Moving Train with a home state audience! Zinn’s message is as rich today as it was when we made the film. And, most importantly, Zinn’s message is…

Occupied Palestine: 2018

Occupied Palestine: 2018

-Mark Hage, Vermonters for Justice in Palestine 2018 for millions of Palestinians in the occupied West Bank, East Jerusalem and Gaza marked another year of brutal military occupation and siege, denial of civil and human rights, daily attacks by Isreali soldiers, police and settlers, home demolitions, increased poverty and deprivation, land confiscations, and high rates…

Action Highlight: HOPE Works Staff Strike

Action Highlight: HOPE Works Staff Strike

A few weeks ago, employees at HOPE Works, the rape crisis center in Burlington, expressed their frustration their leadership, specifically their Executive Director Cathleen Barkley. Following the organizing, an individual was fired — seemingly in retaliation. Since then, they have written an open letter that you can read here and the entire staff of HOPE Works has stopped working…

No More “Deadly Exchanges”: Vermont State Police Cancel Israeli Anti-Terrorism Training in Israel

No More “Deadly Exchanges”: Vermont State Police Cancel Israeli Anti-Terrorism Training in Israel

– Mark Hage, Vermonters for Justice in Palestine Since 2001, thousands of U.S. police and agents from the FBI, CIA, and ICE have attended special programs either in Israel or here in the U.S. with visiting Israeli military personnel.  Just weeks ago, we learned that Vermont State Police were headed on one of these trips. These…

An Interview with Pierrevy Polyte: Coffee and community

An Interview with Pierrevy Polyte: Coffee and community

-Alex Rose, Volunteer Coordinator and Assistant Store Manager  Pierrevy Polyte is an artist, coffee farmer, and founder of a worker cooperative that now has more than 800 members. Pierrevy is from Haiti and has been living in Burlington, Vermont since 2016. He is one of the Peace & Justice Centers more recent vendors, selling coffee…