Upcoming Events

Pride Zine Making Workshop

Peace & Justice Center 239 S. Union Street Suite 3 Suite 3, Burlington, VT, United States

Come to the PJC this Saturday, September 7th at 1pm and make zines with us! The day before the Vermont Pride Festival, come make some radical zines about queer liberation! We will be at the PJC until about 3pm. It will be so much fun to make art in community with all of you! In...


Rad History: Hackers & Free Software

Laboratory B 12-22 North Street, Burlington, Vermont

In recent years, criticisms of technology, particularly the way that social media and tech giants operate, has become mainstream. But what if there was a way for technology to operate that actually enhanced user freedom and truly served the common good? Come to Laboratory B in Burlington on September 19th to learn about the history...


Prison Letter Writing

Peace & Justice Center 239 S. Union Street Suite 3, Burlington, Vermont, United States

Come write letters to folks in prison with us! We will also have a short discussion about prisons and why it is important that we do this work. You will be able to use the Peace & Justice Center as the return address!


Rad History: The Specter of Communism

Peace & Justice Center 239 S. Union Street Suite 3 Suite 3, Burlington, VT, United States

A specter is haunting the PJC! A political boogeyman for more than a century in the United States, what exactly is communism? Is it as scary as it is often said to be? It turns out, it can mean many different things to many different people! Come learn about the history of communism from Ancient...


Prison Letter Writing in Barre

Rainbow Bridge Community Center 81 North Main Street Suite 2, Barre, Vermont

Come write letters to folks in prison with us - this time in central VT! We will be writing out of the Rainbow Bridge Community Center in Barre. Come out and support your incarcerated neighbors and make sure they feel loved by our community!


Rad Folk Songs

Peace & Justice Center 239 S. Union Street Suite 3 Suite 3, Burlington, VT, United States

Come learn and sing some radical folk songs with us! We will be drawing on the American folk song tradition. All participants will receive a free booklet with chords, lyrics, and historical context about the songs we are singing!


Ed Everts Awards & Annual Meeting

Richard Kemp Center 372 N. Winooski Ave, Burlington, Vermont

Come to the Peace & Justice Center's Annual Ed Everts Awards and Annual Meeting! Learn about all the PJC has done in 2024, and all of our plans for 2025, and honor with us some of the most amazing activists in our community. Dinner will be served!

Event Series PJC Rad History

Rad History: Bikes & Protest

Old Spoke's Home 331 North Winooski Avenue, Burlington, VT, United States

Cycling is fun, but it has also been used as a tool of protest! Come learn about all the ways the biking has been utilized by protestors to disrupt the status quo and fight for a better world. We will talk about bikes both as a tool of change themselves related to environmental justice and...

Holiday Zine + Button Making

Peace & Justice Center 239 S. Union Street Suite 3 Suite 3, Burlington, VT, United States

Come make zines and buttons with us! Custom buttons and zines can make great gifts, just in time for the holidays! All decorative materials will be provided, and all for free!


Prison Holiday Cards

Come help us flood the prison with holiday cards this December! Let our incarcerated neighbors know that they are loved and not forgotten. You will be able to use the Peace & Justice Center as the return address


Rad History: Kropotkin

Peace & Justice Center 239 S. Union Street Suite 3 Suite 3, Burlington, VT, United States

Peter Kropotkin was born as a wealthy Russian aristocrat. He died as a beloved anarchist revolutionary. Come learn about the history of a man some now affectionately call Bread Santa! Kropotkin believed in the communal possibilities of humans to live together in a world of peace & justice. Come learn why, and what Kropotkin did...


Prison Letter Writing

Peace & Justice Center 239 S. Union Street Suite 3, Burlington, Vermont, United States

Come write letters to folks in prison with us! We will provide the envelopes, stamps, and paper needed, as well as the names! We will mostly be writing to folks currently incarcerated at CRCF in South Burlington. Come join us! You will be able to use the Peace & Justice Center as a return address.


Peace & Justice Center

We are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Our EIN is 03-0281472.

Living Land & Labor Acknowledgement

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